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1,681 Lakes:
Lake Store

Counties in Alaska, United States

County Name Population Water Area
Land Area
Aleutians East Borough, AK 2,697  53.45%  46.55% 
Aleutians West (CA), AK 5,465  68.85%  31.15% 
Anchorage, AK 260,283  13.46%  86.54% 
Bethel (CA), AK 16,006  10.71%  89.29% 
Bristol Bay Borough, AK 1,258  43.12%  56.88% 
Denali Borough, AK 1,893  0.19%  99.81% 
Dillingham (CA), AK 4,922  10.77%  89.23% 
Fairbanks North Star Borough, AK 82,840  1.04%  98.96% 
Haines Borough, AK 2,392  14.02%  85.98% 
Juneau City and Borough, AK 30,711  16.54%  83.46% 
Kenai Peninsula Borough, AK 49,691  35.31%  64.69% 
Ketchikan Gateway Borough, AK 14,070  29.69%  70.31% 
Kodiak Island Borough, AK 13,913  45.44%  54.56% 
Lake and Peninsula Borough, AK 1,823  23.05%  76.95% 
Matanuska-Susitna Borough, AK 59,322  2.29%  97.71% 
Nome (CA), AK 9,196  18.68%  81.32% 
North Slope Borough, AK 7,385  6.27%  93.73% 
Northwest Arctic Borough, AK 7,208  11.93%  88.07% 
Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan (CA), AK 6,146  41.68%  58.32% 
Sitka City and Borough, AK 8,835  40.27%  59.73% 
Skagway-Hoonah-Angoon (CA), AK 3,436  30.59%  69.41% 
Southeast Fairbanks (CA), AK 6,174  0.98%  99.02% 
Valdez-Cordova (CA), AK 10,195  14.63%  85.37% 
Wade Hampton (CA), AK 7,028  12.59%  87.41% 
Wrangell-Petersburg (CA), AK 6,684  35.32%  64.68% 
Yakutat City and Borough, AK 808  19.12%  80.88% 
Yukon-Koyukuk (CA), AK 6,551  1.31%  98.69% 

State Information Safety and Environment
Official Site of Alaska
State Population: 736,732
Alaska Counties
Natural Resource Office